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aublb bell bay
贝尔贝 澳 新  detail>>
bell bay
贝尔贝  detail>>
at the bell
一个回合结束  detail>>
 n.  1.贝尔〔姓氏〕。 2.Alexander Graham Bell 〔1847-1922,生于苏格兰的美国人,电话发明者〕。  n...  detail>>
bell the
警钟  detail>>
the bell
钟,钟声 钟声  detail>>
 n.  1.(比 gulf 小、比 cove 大的)湾,海湾。 2.(山中的)凹地。 3.【火箭】凹槽;盘,舱。 4.【英军】战壕通路。&...  detail>>
bell bell adjustment inventory
贝尔适应量表  detail>>
bell bronze(bell metal)
钟用青铜  detail>>
bell buoy bell buoy
钟响浮标  detail>>
bell modem standards bell
调制解调器标准  detail>>
immersion bell; bell jar
钟罩  detail>>
a bell will ring
准备打铃  detail>>
ac bell
交流电铃  detail>>
accident bell
事故铃  detail>>
after the bell
收盘铃后股票市场收盘后  detail>>
agogo bell
阿哥哥铃  detail>>